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Here Is How to Reduce Pesky Junk Mail Once and For All

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As the saying goes, knowledge is power – and, at Oxford at The Boulevard Apartments in Corinth, Texas, we couldn’t agree more! We hope that this blog has presented you with the valuable information that you were seeking out.

At best, junk mail is bothersome, and at worst, it’s downright worthless. For many of us, our junk mail hardly encourages us to buy something new or open a new line of credit – and, to make matters worse, junk mail is very bad for the environment. Over 5 million tons of catalogs and other direct mail advertisements end up in U.S. landfills every year. Though junk mail may seem as unavoidable as death and taxes, you don’t have to deal with junk mail forever. Here are a few ingenious ways to curb the influx of direct mail offers, catalogs, credit card offers…you name it!

Opt out of credit card and insurance offers.

If you’re like most people, you receive tons of credit card and insurance offers. Put an end to them by removing your name from their mailing list. When you do this, you have two options: opting out for five years or forever. To opt out for five years, call 1-888-567-8688 or visit the Opt Out Pre-Screen website. Choose the five-year opt-out option. To opt out permanently, head to the same Opt Out Pre-Screen website, and choose the permanent option. Remember, you’ll have to return the signed Permanent Opt-Out Election form to complete your request.

Refuse delivery of some promotional offers.

You can’t refuse all promos, but you can for some. To determine which ones can be returned to sender, look for any of the following phrases on any promotional mailing sent to “resident,” “current resident,” or “current occupant”:
• return service requested
• forwarding service requested
• address service requested
• change service requested
• First Class Mail
If you don’t wish to accept these promos, simply write “RETURN TO SENDER” on these envelopes and put them back in your mailbox.

Rid yourself of magazine subscription offers.

You enjoy reading some magazines – but, certainly not all of them. So, if you find yourself receiving tons of magazine subscription offers, you have every right to ask that the solicitor stop trying to contact you. The best way to do this is by specifically asking the magazine’s publishing house to refrain from renting your name and contact information to other companies. You may find that your request is ignored the first time. If that’s the case, don’t be shy – experts recommend that you follow up again a few weeks later to confirm that your name is off the list.

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